Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Newsflash: Rosie O'Donnell is a nutjob

I'm reluctant to post this because:
  • I support the gay-rights agenda that Rosie tirelessly advocates
  • I share her loathing of the Donald
  • It's always a little dangerous to give a forum to nutjobs

However, I was so blown away by this barely coherent post on her blog/online store that I had to draw attention to it. She theorizes that WTC 7 - the smaller building that collapsed after being pelted by the debris and shock from the Twin Towers collapsing - was deliberately blown up to concel various financial, SEC-type investigations. As is usual with this kind of insane ranting, she doesn't really think through the planning she's suggesting happened. Does she believe that in the chaos of that Tuesday morning that some companies under SEC investigation figured, "ah-ha, we can blow up that adjacent building and make it look like part of the catastrophe? Quick, find a team of arsonists and demolition experts and pay off the NYFD??"

Does she think the whole attack was cover for bringing down WTC 7?

I'm really sick of the whole 9/11 conspiracy thing. I think it delegitimizes the left and draws attention away from real concerns. We're trying to deal with an insane stupid criminal incompetent president and his insane stupid criminal incompetent administration; we're trying to fix what we've done in the Middle East; we're trying to restore some health to the American body politic. What can it possibly benefit those efforts to give any credence to these fringe conspiracy theorists?

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