Monday, September 24, 2007

Hitchens Endorses Gore

Christopher Hitchens, the quintessential and leading "leftist hawk" on Iraq, has vaguely endorsed Al Gore for President. Clearly this has no practical significance. Anyone who would have voted for Hillary or Barack in the primaries will not be persuaded to vote for Al instead as the result of an article by a figure deeply loathed by most of the left as a traitor.

However it might have significance for Hitchens fans such as myself. It might indicate a uniquely Hitchensesque attempt to reduce or qualify his support for the ongoing Iraq war. Had you told me last week that Hitchens would endorse (however weakly) a politician who had been against the war from the beginning, I would have thought you ignorant. Now I'm shocked. I think it's possible that in noting positively that Gore "was once a stern advocate of the removal of Saddam Hussein" [e.a.] Hitchens is gently and subtly positioning himself to be described the same way someday.

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